Some pleasant news today. The local free distribution bilingual read entitled My Paper has run a small story in today's issue about the Excel utility I created to check the suffix of NRIC/FIN numbers (see previous post). It's on Page 4 and I've uploaded the full PDF version of that page here for those interested. The article itself appears as below and is written by Ms Koh Hui Theng, a very nice and friendly journalist.
Later in the morning, I also received an SMS from a stranger asking where to download the utility. This person had searched online and came across my profile with my contact number and duly messaged me. Wow, I am quite touched that what I thought was a simple and insignificant thing turned out to be so helpful and useful to others.
Once again, I am thankful to the moderators of for choosing to feature this and My Paper for running the story as well. Special mention goes to all the commentors and reviewers who helped me to improve and correct the shortcomings of the 'checker'.
The ICA responded to the article to clarify that their iCheck was not the same as my NRIC Checker and attached below is their official reply that appeared in the 29th July issue of My Paper.
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